In Myanmar, Women monks use pink. They shave their heads and dedicate their life to study. This monk kindly let me photograph her so people can see the colors of her country and keep visiting.
Cannot put in words the inspiration I felt in this place. The first time we went to the bridge was when we left the airport around 4pm - people selling all kind of things, cars, noise, food. We decided to come back the morning after for sunrise and it was transformed - a slightly fog, tons of orange in the sky and a bridge where monks walk to "connect" even more with their soul.
We were able to see two routines of Myanmar monks: the bridge walk for sunrise and the line up around 10am for lunch time (their last meal of each day) at the Mahagandayon Monastery, Amarapura. Monks are an important part of the culture and it's a sign of prestige for their families to have a monk son. So many of them learn english and know the most amazing facts from other cultures - internet is a powerful tool, they said.
Arrived in Mandalay around 3pm and ask the taxi driver “can you take me to a beautiful place around here?” - He looked at my camera, smile and answer “I know a good place for you”. After 30min hiking up and down, there we were. His beautiful place was in fact, incredible.
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